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Congressional Contact Program

NAMIC’s Congressional Contact Program (CCP) is known as the industry’s premier grassroots program, enabling its members the opportunity to personally visit with each state’s respective senators, congressional representatives and their staff(s) in Washington, DC.  NCAMIC normally schedules their CCP visit within the 1stquarter of each year with a fairly strong contingent year over year. NCAMIC highly recommends that you consider attending the CCP as a means of letting your voice be heard on both state and national issues.


This year’s (2017) CCP was held on April 5-6 with 7 attendees, including both of the NCAMIC’s Scholarship recipients from Appalachian State University.  Several important issues were discussed with the NC representatives, including Insurance Regulatory Reform, Reforming the National Flood Program, Disaster Mitigation and Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Private Airspace.

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